“Flying over the country, one sees huge tracts of dry land. But it is only when one meets and talks to the people in this country that one realizes, there is no drought in terms of ideas, creativity, passion and determination.”
USAID needed rigorous evaluation of a high priority project investing in early grade education
The evaluation process was undertaken in three phases including a preparation phase, data collection phase and data analysis and report writing phase. IT Shows engaged 1,279 individuals (including students, teachers and parents) in various activities ranging from questionnaires to classroom observation to interviews to inform the evaluation. The evaluation was able to produce robust and insightful results, key lessons learned and recommendation which were presented to USAID/Djibouti to assist them in enhancing their DEGRA program for the second half of its implementation. Additionally, the resulting report from the evaluation was shared with the Government of Djibouti’s Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training and other key education partners, including the donor community, researchers, and other key stakeholders working in education in Djibouti.